
Autodesk Moldflow: Injection and compression moulding plastic simulation software

Empower your product design and engineering teams to optimize plastic part and injection mold designs for manufacturing success. Moldflow provides invaluable insights into the injection molding process, allowing you to identify potential issues, enhance part quality, and reduce manufacturing costs.
Experience the advantage of predictive analysis, as Moldflow simulates the complete injection molding process, guiding you towards informed design decisions. From flow analysis to cooling and warpage predictions, this software equips you with the tools to refine designs before production. Elevate your molding efficiency, minimize defects, and ensure optimal part performance with Autodesk Moldflow. Step into a world where precision meets plastics for unparalleled manufacturing excellence.
  • Overview
  • Benefits
  • Capabilities

What is Autodesk Moldflow?

Autodesk® Moldflow® simulation software provides plastic injection moulding and compression moulding insights to improve manufactured part quality. Advanced tools and a simplified user interface help you address manufacturing challenges such as part warpage, cooling channel efficiency, material selection and cycle time reduction.


Why use Autodesk Moldflow?

Improve part quality
Predict as-manufactured part quality and address part defects earlier.
Minimise mould rework
Optimise mould designs including cavity, feed and cooling layouts.
Decrease cycle time
Utilise process optimisation to find the ideal processing window.

What you can do with Moldflow

Optimise parts, moulds and processes

Analyse single cavity or multi-cavity moulds to identify part manufacturability, tool design, material choice and process optimisation. Model or import cooling systems and feed systems.
See all Moldflow Features

Improve solver capacity with flexible solving

Run multiple simulations concurrently to quickly discover optimal designs. Mesh and solve Moldflow Insight simulation jobs through local, remote and secured cloud servers. Run multiple simulations concurrently.
See all Moldflow Features

Connect workflows

Connect product design teams with Autodesk Drive and Shared Views to minimise delays and rework costs. Achieve quicker geometry changes with in-product Fusion 360 push. Export CAD and results for post-processing.
See all Moldflow Features